1:Frequently asked questions
- ①Reasons for studying abroad in Japan
Not good answer
- ×I decided to study abroad because of my parent’s recommendation.
- ×I studied abroad because my friend is living in Japan.
- ×Because I like Japanese culture.
- ×I wanted to go to another country as my first choice, but I couldn't, so I came to Japan as my second choice.
Good answer example
The reason why I study abroad in Japan is that Japan is very advanced in the subjects I want to study and the industry I want to work for. I want to play an active part in 〇〇 job in the future, so I decided to study abroad in Japan to study 〇〇. In addition, I have many relatives and friends in Japan, so I don't worry about my life, and I’ll have a good environment where I can concentrate on studying Japanese, so I thought I could study abroad with peace of mind.
Advice from “Shin-chan”
- The point is to clearly state the specific purpose and reason for deciding to study in Japan. The ordinary abstract expression like "I like Japanese culture" is not a reason for studying abroad. Let's answer the specific purpose of your decision to study abroad in Japan like I was particularly interested in 〇〇 in Japanese culture, and I thought that I needed to study Japanese in order to study 〇〇, so I went to study abroad.
- ②Reasons for choosing this school
Not good answer
- ×Your school is famous, tuition fee is low and it’s near my house.
- ×Because the facilities and equipment are good, the campus is beautiful, and there are excellent teachers.
- ×Recommended by Japanese language school.
Good answer example
There are two reasons for choosing your school. First of all, I participated in the open campus last month by Japanese language school teacher’s introduction. The school facilities and equipment such as 〇〇 are substantial, and I thought it is a good environment for studying 〇〇 subjects.At the open campus, teachers taught me various things about studying and taking exams, and I thought that I could have a fulfilling school life if I study here. Besides, about the 〇〇 subjects that I want to study, there are full of 〇〇 in your school, so I definitely want to study here and took the exam.
Advice from “Shin-chan”
- If you are unable to express your motivation to enter the school, don’t know what you want to do after entering, don’t understand the school information, you’ll receive negative evaluation. Understanding the motivation, such as "Why did you choose this university" and express it in correct Japanese in the statement of purpose. Let’s show how much you’ll try hard to achieve you dream after enrolling in the school. It is important to understand detailed information such as the curriculum, seminars, and practical training contents of the desired school, and to speak in your own words the specific purpose and enthusiasm of admission.
- ③What kind of student life do you want to live?
Not good answer
- ×I want to work many part-time job.
- ×I want to play with Japanese people.
- ×I will do my best to study.
Good answer example
I would like to acquire knowledge about ○○ in the department of ○○. I would like to experience ○○ part-time job so that I can make use of that knowledge. Besides, I’m interested in ○○ Japanese culture, so after enrolling I would like to join the ○○ club and learn about various Japanese culture and customs through my Japanese friends. I would like to improve my Japanese communication skills by communicating with Japanese people.
Advice from “Shin-chan”
- Although study is the main part of student life, but simply "I will do my best to study!" is not enough. If you can answer the subject you want to take after enrollment, the name of the class you want to take, the name of the professor, etc., the evaluation will be high. It’s also a good point to answer from the perspective of wanting to grow as an overseas student through learning Japanese and working part-time job.
- ④Goals and plans after graduation
Not good answer
- ×I don't know yet. I haven’t decided yet.
- ×I want to have a working visa in Japan.
- ×I want to go back to my country and get married. Etc.
Good answer example
After graduating from your school, I would like to find a job in an industry where I can make use of the ○○ fields that I learned at your school. I would like to improve my own ability so that I can play an active role with the international sense I gained from studying abroad in Japan and the knowledge I learned at university. After gaining experience in ○○ in Japan, I would like to return to my home country and run my own company in the future. I believe that my study and working experience in Japan will definitely be useful in the field of ○○.
Advice from “Shin-chan”
- Be as specific as possible about your future goals and plans in the statement of purpose. The point is to connect what you’re going to study in your desired school with what you want to do in the future. Avoid dreamy goals which are too unrealistic.
- ⑤Who will pay the tuition?
Not good answer
- ×I will work part-time job and earn tuition.
- ×Borrow from friends and acquaintances.
- ×I can't rely on my parents.
Good answer example
I plan to ask my parents to help me with the fee I need to go to school, such as tuition. Because my parents told me to concentrate on studying when study abroad in Japan, I want to study hard in order to response to my parents' expectations. In addition, I would like to prepare my own living expenses in Japan to reduce the burden on my parents as much as possible. I'm thinking of working part-time job while observing Japanese rules. I intend to balance study and part-time job.
(Examples of tuition plans for general overseas students are as follows) ・Tuition to go to school → Get help from parents
・Living expenses in Japan → Prepare by themselves to reduce parents' burden -
Advice from “Shin-chan”
- Overseas students are basically considered to having parents support tuition. If you have special circumstances, explain the reason. Before applying, remember to discuss with your parents in your home country to make sure that your school tuition and tuition payment plans are reasonable.
- ⑥Are you taking another school exam ?
Not good answer
- ×Actually, I took the exam at several schools, but I answered “Only this school”
- ×Beside your school I also took the XX exam. Although I find it difficult to pass that school.
- ×I took your school exam because I failed another school.
Good answer example
Beside your school, I took an exam at XX University (college), but my first choice is your school. I want to learn about ○○ of your school. If I can pass the exam, I would like to enroll in.
Advice from “Shin-chan”
- Let's convey the feeling that "I want to enroll if I can pass! "Let's answer clearly that "Other universities (colleges) are my second, third choices, so if I can pass your school, I’ll enroll in." If you specifically answer the reason why this school is your first choice, you may receive a positive evaluation.
2:Interview manners
In the interview, not only the speaking content, but also the manners, attitude, and appearance are evaluated. There are many things need to watch out. For example, what you shouldn’t do while waiting, how to enter and leave the room, how to bow, NG clothes, NG makeup, etc. The first impression you give to the interviewer is very important. Let’s study in advance and practice well before the interview.
Check the interview manners lesson here !!👇