

Interview words – Inportant points – Manners

《日本語》 《中文》 《Tiếng Việt》

Frequently asked questions in part-time job interviews

  1. Please introduce yourself.
  2. When did you come to Japan?
  3. Are you student? Tell me your school time.
  4. How many days a week can you work? Which day? From what time to what time can you work?
  5. What is the nearest train station from your house? Tell me your means of transportation.
  6. Why do you want to do this job?
  7. Do you have experience in part time job?

Prepare well before the interview!

Inteview clothes

✓ Good examples

【For men】
  • Hairstyle・・・Clean and tidy appearance, with front hair not covering the eyes
  • Clothes (tops)・・・Shirt with collar, e.g. Plain shirt or thin pattern shirt is recommended
  • Clothes (bottoms)・・・Cotton trousers, e.g. Advoid jeans
  • Shoes・・・Leather shoes are highly recommended, clean sneakers is also OK
  • Bag・・・Shoulder type bag which can contain the resume and writing utensils, etc…

【For women】

  • Hairstyle・・・Long hair should be tied up. Clean and tidy appearance, with front hair not covering the eyes
  • Makeup・・・Basically, it should be natural, but in apparel and cosmetics, it should match the brand taste
  • Clothes (tops)・・・Plain shirt or thin pattern shirt is recommended. Neat sweater is also OK
  • Clothes (bottoms)・・・Cotton trousers or skirt, e.g. Advoid too short skirt
  • Shoes・・・Leather shoes or pumps shoes, e.g. Boots and sneakers are also OK
  • Bag・・・Shoulder type bag which can contain the resume and writing utensils, etc…
✕ Bad examples

【For men】
  • Torn denim
  • Sandals, dirty sneakers
  • Showy pierces

【For women】

  • Torn denim
  • Sandals, dirty sneakers
  • Flashy pierces
  • Long and showy nails
  • Knee-high boots
  • Revealing outfit, etc…

Manners neccessary for work

1. Communication at work

・Greetings on the first day of work

(My name is ….. I start to work here from today. I am looking forward to working with you)
※ The fist impression is very important. Let’s greet in a loud and cheerful voice.

・Greetings and conversations with people who work together

When you arrive in the workplace, let’s say 「おはようございます (Good morning)」「こんにちは (Good afternoon)」「こんばんは (Good evening)」
When you leave the workplace: 「おつかさまです。おさき失礼しつれいします」(Thank you for your hard work. I’m sorry I have to leave now)
When you want someone to teach you: 「すみません、おしえてください。よろしくおねがいします」(Excuse me, please teach me. Thank you very much)
When you can’t hear or understand Japanese: 「すみません、わかりません。もう一度いちどおしえてください」(I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Please explain again)

2. Punctuality

・Act 5 minutes before work

If your job starts at 5 p.m, make sure you have changed into your uniform and get ready for work by 4:55 p.m.

・About being late

Contact by phone in advance if you are going to be late even one minute.
In case of that it is difficult to make a phone call (such as being in a crowded train or having a sore throat that makes it difficult to speak), you can use LINE.

(I’m (full name), working at (place of work).
The train is delayed, so I will be late for 10 munites.
I’m sorry, but I appreciate your help.

3. Absence/ Request for a day off

・Contact to request for a day off

If you must take a day off to participate in a scheduled plan, contact in advance as soon as possible.
Absences on both the day off and the following day are generally not accepted.
Contact if you find it difficult to come to work.

学校がっこう行事 ぎょうじ (School events)
一時いちじ帰国きこく (Temporary return to your home country)
家族かぞく来日らいにち など (Family visiting Japan, etc.)

4. Appearance, clothes


Make sure to wash your body everyday, pay attention to body odor and bad breath.
Be mindful of overgrown facial hair and nails, and maintain a clean appearance.


Follow the specified dress code and hair color guidelines. Excessive accessories, perfume, and makeup are prohibited.

5. Prohibited actions

  • Being absent, being late, leaving early without permission.
  • Using your native language at the workplace.
  • Using a mobile phone during work hours.
  • Taking photos at the workplace and posting on social media (including changing rooms and break areas).

6. Working attitude

There are many things you don’t understand about partime job in Japan.
It’s not embarrassing to not know something, so actively ask questions and take notes when taught. When you finish your task, ask, “Is there anything I can help?” and continue working without taking a break.
