

Announcement of Higher education information session for international students


Hello everyone! This is an announcement about the upcoming higher education information session sponsored by “留学@JP”.
All Kansai international students are required to check this! There is also a booth where you can consult about employment, specific skills, and training!
Information session for international students on entering their schools.Teachers from universities and vocational schools will come to introduce the school to you.
Many schools will be coming from all over the country, so please come and join us! !

[Event schedule]
・Day: June 18th (Tuesday)
・Time: 10:00-16:00
・Venue: Namba Midosuji Hall 10F
・MAP https://nanbamidousujihall.com/access/
・Participation fee: Free of charge

Click here to find university and vocational schools that are willing to participate! !
(*Click to see a larger image)
