

       MAY Sickness


Hello everyone!
There are many hot days in April, and it’s time to take a long break from Golden Week.
I believe that the cracks continued due to the busy schedule of traveling and part-time work.
Today I would like to introduce to you all a common problem that occurs in May.
“May Sickness” is a mental and physical illness that is felt mainly by students who have struggled to enter higher education, or by those who are struggling to enter the workforce.
Some people are trying too hard to get used to their new school or workplace environment, or are tired and stressed out, and feel unwell after the holidays. It will become noticeable.
Going to school or work can become a chore, and you tend to be less efficient.
Have you been able to refresh your mind, body and spirit?
Don’t push yourself too hard, take it easy and get through it! !

For those who want to know about May Sickness, click here⇒
五月病は無理をせず、気を楽にして乗り越える | Forbes JAPAN 公式サイト(フォーブス ジャパン)
