National Health Insurance System
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YouTube 法務省チャンネル(Health Insurance System)
1. Enrollment in National Health Insurance for international students
2. Benefits
3. Enrollment application
4. When you move to a different municipality
1.Enrollment in National Health Insurance for international students
One of the things that you may worry about during studying abroad is “getting sick.” If you do not have health insurance, you will have to pay very high medical costs when you get sick. Enrollment in the National Health Insurance is a necessary part of life as a interenational student in Japan. National Health Insurance is both a right and an obligation given to foreigners in Japan.
◆When should I enroll in National Health Insurance?
In principle, you must enroll in the National Health Insurance from the time you arrive in Japan. If you apply for enrollment late, you may be asked to pay past insurance premiums (from the time you arrived in Japan until you applied).
2. Benefits
The copayment ratio of medical expenses for an insured is as follows:
• Preschool infants under six years old …… 20%
• School-age children through adults up to 69 years old …… 30%
• Adults aged 70 to 74 years old …… 20% (*)
* Wage-earners at their preretirement income level: 30%
Following examples are the cases where you will have to pay the full amount;
• “Differential bed charges” when hospitalized in a private room at a hospital;
• Expensive special medication not covered by health insurance;
• Special dental treatments such as gold crowns; or
• childbirth/artificial pregnancy, etc.
◆Refund of medical expenses (medical expenses payment)
In the below-mentioned cases, you will need to pay the full amount of expenses by yourself; however, once your application is approved, you will be eligible for reimbursement of the expenses minus your copayment.
1. When you are injured in an accident and receive treatment at a hospital that does not accept National Health Insurance, or when you receive treatment for a sudden illness or injury while traveling without your health insurance card;
2. Expenses for accompanying nursing care that is deemed necessary by a doctor due to the severity of the illness;
3.When you have received an acupuncture, moxibustion or massage which your doctor deems medically necessary or have received treatment at an osteopathic clinic for a fracture or sprain;
4. When you purchase medical devices such as a cast;
5. Fees for fresh blood transfusions that cannot be covered by medical care subsidies; or
6. Medical transportation expenses (there are certain conditions).
◆High-cost medical care expenses
The high-cost medical treatment system is a financial support system for cases where the total amount of medical expenses during a month that are paid for treatment or medications (except the cost for food and bed during in hospital) exceeds a certain limit. In such cases, the over-thelimit amount will be covered. The fixed monthly copayment limit varies with age (whether the insured is under 70 years old or not) and the income level of the insured.
Ask for further information at the municipal office in your area.
◆Childbirth and Childcare lump-sum grant
This is a benefit for an insured or his dependent to help cover expenses related to childbirth. As a general rule, the allowance per child is 500,000 yen.
◆When a member dies
When a member dies, a funeral expense of 50,000 to 70,000 yen is paid to the person who held the funeral.
3. Enrollment application
You can join in from National Health Insurance at the municipal office in your area. You need to prepare your residence card and passport.
◆If you have family in Japan
If you have family members living in Japan, they are also required to enroll. Please check carefully whether your family member’s name is written on the health insurance card.